Berklee/A MODERN METHOD FOR GUITAR Volume 1.2.3. C

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The William Leavitt Modern Method for Guitar, used as the basic text for the Berklee College of Music guitar program, has stood the test of time and earned a vast and loyal following of dedicated guitar students and instructors. By popular demand, Berklee Press has created a compilation of the original volumes 1, 2, and 3, including all audio and video tracks. Now, serious guitar students and instructors, from beginning through advanced, have the convenience of progressing through all three volumes of this classic guitar method in one comprehensive book. Innovative solos, duets, and exercises progressively teach melody, harmony, and rhythm. This edition contains audio and video produced by William Leavitt's students Charles Chapman and Larry Baione (who was his successor as chair of the Berklee Guitar Department), demonstrating the examples and providing play-along tracks for the ensemble exercises.