GUITAR DREAMS -The Art & Artistry of Master Player

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GUITAR DREAMS -The Art & Artistry of Master Players and Builders

Guitar Dreams 是一系列採訪、文章和照片的合集,旨在頌揚彈撥弦樂家和製琴師,他們的工作使我們所有人都感到高興、挑戰和鼓舞,他們熱情地關心我們喜愛的音樂和樂器背後的背景故事。 其中許多樂曲(有些以不同形式)首次出現在《Fretboard Journal》和《Acoustic Guitar》雜誌的頁面中,而其他樂曲則首次出現在這裡。 包括許多以前未發表的照片。 
Guitar Dreams is a collection of interviews, articles and photographs that celebrate plucked string musicians and luthiers whose work delights, challenges, and inspires all of us who care passionately about the back stories behind the music and the instruments we love. Many of these pieces first appeared (some in different form) in the pages of The Fretboard Journal and Acoustic Guitar magazine, while others appear here for the first time. Included are many previously unpublished photographs. Contributors include Nato Lima (virtuoso nylong string guitarist), Jerry Byrd (steel guitar pioneer), Gabor Szabo (jazz and world music pioneer), Amos Garrett (Telecaster master), Muriel Anderson (fingerstyle virtuoso), George Barnes (seminal jazz guitarist), and many others.