PEDALMANIA +Video Demonstrations Online

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自從 20 世紀中期出現第一個效果器踏板以來,創造完美吉他音色的競賽一直很激烈,最終在一個行業達到了頂峰,該行業有多種選擇來製作適合各種口味和需求的聲音。
作者 Vinnie DeMasi 和經驗豐富的效果器板製造商 Tom “Peck” Pecoraro 在適合初學者的指南中引導您了解這個複雜且不斷發展的音色世界,涵蓋的主題包括:過載、失真和模糊;壓縮和均衡器;延遲、迴聲和混響;合唱、移相器、鑲邊器和顫音單元;哇哇和過濾器;機架安裝和多效果單元;建立基礎板和高級板;信號路徑要點和裝備選項;維護和故障排除;重現標誌性的單塊效果器聲音;職業球員板的照片;和更多!
Ever since the first effect pedals emerged in the mid-20th century, the race for creating the perfect guitar tone has continued strong, culminating in an industry with a wide variety of options for crafting sounds to fit every taste and need. Author Vinnie DeMasi and veteran pedalboard builder Tom “Peck” Pecoraro guide you through this complex and evolving world of tone in a beginner-friendly guide, covering topics such as: overdrive, distortion, and fuzz; compression and EQ; delays, echoes, and reverb; chorus, phasers, flangers, and tremolo units; wah-wah and filters; rack mounts and multi-effect units; building basic and advanced boards; signal path essentials and rig options; maintenance and trouble shooting; recreating iconic stompbox sounds; photos of professional players' boards; and more! The book also includes access to online video demonstrations that give you quick tips on how to put the knowledge within this book into practice!