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這本 B (Brand Documentary Magazine) 旨在介紹全球值得為讀者推薦的品牌故事。這些優良品牌是根據該品牌的經營哲理、美感傳遞、價值定位與實用性等四個評鑑向量所決定的。B 樂於發掘更多市場上能夠造福人群、傳達崇高理想、發揮工匠藝術的企業,深入他們的創意理念,透過實際參訪,瞭解該公司的文化與核心價值。具體認知該公司之所以存在,是不斷地朝向全公司所認同的理想版圖前進,為人群謀求最大的福祉。他山之石可以攻錯,藉由各個不同領域優質企業的成功故事,讓讀者能夠深入思考如何實踐理念的具體過程。       


Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is recognized as the world’s happiest city and boasts the best welfare system in Northern Europe. The city is brimming with a spirit of community that trades in fierce competition for active and free discourse. This galvanized exchange of ideas has resulted in a highly creative culture that is fueled by true collaboration. As the pivotal center of the Danish modern aesthetic since the 1950s, Copenhagen remains an iconic powerhouse in the Nordic region, particularly as a pioneer in furniture, architectural, and daily product design. Stealing the limelight as a forward-looking metropolis in everything from cuisine and fashion into the aughts, the world is now drawn to the cosmopolis by the New Nordic Food Manifesto, which emphasizes the significance of local ingredients, and Copenhagen Fashion Week, which uses its voice to promote sustainability as a core ambition.